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Home Emergencies


Fire Safety Tips

  • Know your escape route BEFORE an emergency happens
  • Know the locations of fire alarms and emergency exits-know at least two ways out of the building
  • Check smoke alarms regularly
  • Make an escape plan and practice it
  • ALWAYS participate in fire drills called by IGC
  • Take fire alarms seriously; treat every alarm as a real emergency
  • Do not tamper with fire or life safety equipment

If you get caught in a fire:

  • Remain calm!
  • Feel if the door handle is hot, before exiting
  • Close the door behind you to keep the fire from spreading
  • If your clothes catch fire: Stop, Drop, and Roll!
  • If smoke is present in a stairwell, avoid it, and choose another route
  • Pull the fire alarm on your way out
  • Evacuate to your designated assembly area
  • Assist individuals with special needs
  • Get out of the building before phoning for help; make the call from a safe location
  • Don’t look for other people or gather up your belongings but do:
    • Knock on doors as you leave
    • Yell “FIRE” as you leave
  • Don’t hesitate or stray from your path as you leave
  • If you can’t get out, get someone’s attention
    • Yell and scream
    • Hang a sheet out of the window
  • Crawl low to the ground since there is less smoke and toxic gasses close to the floor
    • Thick smoke can make it impossible to see
    • Toxic chemicals from smoke can be deadly in MINUTES
  • If a fire occurs at night and you have just left the Residence Hall, let your Residence Advisor know you are safe once you are outside.

Emergencies will occur on any campus but the nature and the timing of the emergency will determine how to best deal with the situation.
The most important factors in any emergency are:

  1. Know your resources
  2. Respond quickly
  3. Use good judgment

Remember, you have many support systems on campus to help you in case of an emergency.Please report all emergencies to the Dean of Students once you have responded to the immediate emergency.

During office hours, a registered nurse in 3068 MCB will be available to help you, but know that in a medical emergency, time is critical. Call an ambulance if immediate attention is needed.

Emergency Contacts

  • Main UAC Number: 032-626-6000
  • Dean of Students Office: 032-626-6002/6006
  • Incheon Global Foundation: 032-626-0533
  • IGC Health Center: 032-626-0553
  • 119 (English service 02-119)
  • Songdo 119 Safety Center: 032-831-7119
  • Incheon Namdong Fire Department: 032-816-3104
  • Songdo Police Department: 032-830-5223 (In immediate danger, call 112)

Building Evacuation

All UAC students should be familiar with recommended evacuation procedures.

  • All students, faculty and staff will exit building immediately when a firm alarm sounds or when instructed to do so by UAC leadership
  • When evacuation begins, leave the building by the nearest safe exit and alert others to do so as you leave the building
  • Never use elevators in the case of a building evacuation
  • Once outside of the building, be sure to move at least 500 feet away from the building you have just left.
  • Do not create an impediment for emergency vehicles or emergency responders—keep all paths clear.
  • Do not return to an evacuated building unless authorized personnel have given the ‘all clear’.

Staying safe on campus

  • Always be alert. Keep an eye on your surroundings, keep your head up and don’t be caught by surprise.
  • Stay in areas where other people also are. Crimes happen less frequently in crowded places. At night use well-lit paths and avoid dark places.
  • Make sure that at least one person knows where you are at all times and when you are expected to return. If you leave the Residences Halls overnight or for the weekend, let your RA know.
  • Don’t let anyone into your hall or apartment building that you don’t know and always make sure you know the person at your door before opening it.
  • Keep your room door and your car door locked at all times.
  • Know how much alcohol impacts your judgment. If you drink too much, your decisions will be faulty.
  • Put emergency contact numbers in your cell phone.
  • Use your instincts. If you don’t feel a place is safe, leave but leave with someone else if possible.