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Home UUAC Procedure P1-011A: Campus Security

UUAC Procedure P1-011A: Campus Security

  1. Purpose and Scope
    The purpose of the Campus Security Procedure is to facilitate a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors of the University of Utah Asia Campus while complying with federal laws regarding security on campus.


  1. Definitions
    1. “Annual Security Report” or “ASR” shall have the same meaning as set forth in UUAC Policy 1-011.
    2. “ASR” Administrator” is the person designated by the University to collect information necessary for the Annual Security Report, coordinate any necessary updates to the ASR, and to timely file and distribute the ASR for the UUAC.
    3. “Campus Security Authority” or “CSA” shall have the same meaning as set forth in UUAC Policy 1-011.
    4. “Clery Geography” shall have the same meaning as set forth in Policy 1-011.
  2. Procedure
    1. Reporting Dissemination of Information Concerning a Crime or Emergency
      1. The University of Utah does not have a police or security force on the Incheon Global Campus. The Incheon Global Campus falls within the police jurisdiction of the Incheon Yeonsu Police Station, 138 Woninjae-ro, Yeonsu 2(i)-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, South Korea.  Therefore, students and others who become aware of criminal actions or other emergencies anywhere within Clery Geography should report these to the Incheon Yu Yoensu Police.  Their telephone number is 82-32-453-0762.  In case of emergency, dial 1-1-2
      2. Campus Security Authority Responsibility to Report. Any CSA who becomes aware of an alleged or actual crime occurring on campus or at a University activity shall immediately contact the UUAC Dean of Students and report all information known relating to the crime.
      3. Collection of Statistics from Local Law Enforcement Agencies. Prior to the preparation of the Annual Security Report, the University of Utah’s Police at the Salt Lake City Campus will undertake a good faith effort to collect crime statistics from the Incheon Yeonsu Police for crimes occurring on the Incheon Global Campus and from other law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction over non-campus property that is subject to reporting under the Clery Act. All crimes relating to the UUAC will be reported to the UUAC Dean of Students for inclusion in the UUAC Annual Security Report.
      4. Crime Statistics for Annual Security Report. The ASR Administrator will collaborate with the University Police at the main campus to analyze all crimes reported to Utah Asia Campus CSAs and collected from local law enforcement agencies. All crimes relating to the UUAC and subject to the Clery Act will be accurately reported and published on an annual basis in the Annual Security Report. University Police at the Salt Lake City Campus will also report such crimes on an annual basis to the Department of Education’s Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool.
      5. Collection of Data and Preparation of Annual Security Report. The ASR Administrator shall timely collect from various resources at the University all information that is necessary to include in the UUAC Annual Security Report. The ASR Administrator shall be responsible for preparation of the Annual Safety Report.
      6. Distribution of Annual Security Report. The ASR Administrator shall distribute the Annual Security Report via email or other electronic means to all UUAC employees and students on or before October 1st of each academic year.  The ASR Administrator shall also distribute the ASR in the Spring and Summer semesters, via email or other electronic means, to new UUAC employees and students who have joined the University of Utah during the preceding semester.  The ASR will also be posted on the UUAC website.  The ASR will be provided to prospective employees and prospective students upon request.
    2. Security of and Access to Campus Facilities
      1. Use, Access, and Security of Facilities.

Security for the Incheon Global Campus is provided by the Incheon Global Campus Foundation (“IGCF”).  IGCF provides security guards on campus who patrol the campus 24 hours per day.  In addition, IGCF has installed CCTV cameras throughout the campus which are monitored by IGCF security. 

The UUAC building on the Incheon Global Campus is open to the public from 7:00am to 12:00am Monday through Thursday and from 7:00am to 6:00 pm on Friday.  The building is secured when not open to the public.  The building is locked remotely on a time switch and is only accessible by authorized faculty and staff.  

Student housing on the Incheon Global Campus is operated and controlled by the IGCF which provides access to, and security for, the student housing.  Student housing is locked at all times and is only accessible by students having valid ID cards. 

Other buildings on the Incheon Global Campus that have common use among all of the higher education institutions at IGC are generally open and accessible from 7:00am to 12:00am Monday through Thursday and 7:00am to 6:00pm on Friday.  The buildings are locked outside of regular hours.

Residential Living Areas.
Student housing on the Incheon Global Campus is operated and controlled by the IGCF which provides access to, and security for, the student housing.  Student housing is locked at all times and is only accessible by students having valid ID cards. 

Security in the Maintenance of Campus Facilities.
To the extent that the UUAC administrative staff become aware of safety and security concerns regarding the Incheon Global Campus (e.g., adequacy of and access to security personnel, lighting, etc.), the UUAC staff meet with representatives of the IGCF to express such concerns and urge improvements to safety and security.  The UUAC and IGCF work together to conduct annual campus risk surveys to identify safety and security vulnerabilities and to implement corrective actions. The IGCF also provides opportunities for the campus community to report problems and concerns directly, such as 24 hour telephones ([telephone number]) and an online reporting form located at:  [link here].

  1. Professional Counselors


As stated in UUAC Policy 1-011, Professional Counselors are encouraged, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform the persons they are counseling of how to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the ASR. The Dean of Students for UUAC will send periodic reminders to the mental health counsellor for the UUC of this expectation.

  1. Emergency Response and Evacuation
    1. Emergency Notification. The UUAC utilizes email and Kakao texting to provide students and employees with information about unforeseen events and emergencies on the UUAC campus.   Examples of events and emergencies for which alerts may be sent include snow closures, building closures, severe power outages, gas leaks, and threats such as bombs or gun violence. The UUAC gathers and maintains email and Kakao contact information for each employee and student at the UUAC campus. 
    2. Significant Emergency or Dangerous Situation. In the event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation on campus involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees, the UUAC Chief Administrative Officer, Dean of Students and Dean of Faculty (the “UUAC Administrative Team”) will communicate to confirm the existence of the emergency situation. The Administrative Team will communicate with local law enforcement and the IGCF as necessary to understand the nature of the emergency. The Administrative Team may also seek advice from University Police at the main campus regarding the emergency.  The UUAC Administrative Team, in consultation with the University of Utah Chief of Police (or his/her designee) and representatives of the Office of General Counsel, University Communications, and other University departments, as appropriate,  will determine the content of the notification to the UUAC employees and staff and facilitate sending of the emergency notification.  Information concerning an emergency may also be shared with local police and emergency responders, posted on the UUAC website for general information, and shared with local media.
    3. Testing Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures. On at least an annual basis, the University will schedule a test of the UUAC emergency response and evacuation procedures contained in UUAC Policy 1-011 and UUAC Procedure 1-011A. The University will publicize its emergency response and evacuation procedures in conjunction with this test, and will document, for each test, a description of the exercise, the date and time of the exercise, and whether the exercise was announced or unannounced.
  2. Timely Warning
    1. The Requirement of a Timely Warning. As provided in UUAC Policy 1-011, the University will issue timely warnings to the campus community whenever a crime presents a serious or continuing threat to University students and/or employees and the crime has occurred on campus or any other Clery Geography.
    2. Crimes that Might Require a Timely Warning. As a general matter crimes of violence and sexual crimes involving a suspect who has not been apprehended and who is unknown to the victim will pose a threat to the campus community.  Crimes that occur between individuals who know each other might or might not pose a risk to other members of the campus community.  Certain property crimes might also pose a threat to the campus community.
    3. The Determination to Issue a Timely Warning. Each crime is considered on a case-by-case basis to determine if a timely warning is necessary.  Upon learning of a crime within Clery Geography, the Chief Administrative Officer will confer with the Utah Asia Campus Dean of Faculty and the Dean of Students and with the Chief of Police for the Salt Lake City Campus to determine whether the crime poses a serious or continuing threat to the campus community.  Factors to consider include the nature of the incident, when and where the incident occurred, when the incident was reported, the amount of information known about the incident, and whether the alleged perpetrator poses a risk to other members of the campus community.  If the crime presents a significant and immediate threat, the Chief Administrative Officer will initiate the emergency response protocol.  Otherwise, for any crime that poses a risk to the campus community, the Chief Administrative Officer, in consultation with the University of Utah Chief of Police (or his/her designee) and representatives of the Office of General Counsel, University Communications, and other University departments, as appropriate, to determine when and how to issue a timely warning.  Any campus administrator that learns of a campus crime and has reason to believe an incident poses an ongoing threat to the campus community will bring the matter to the attention of the Chief Administrative Officer to initiate a timely warning consideration.
    4. Timing of the Notice. Notice of a crime will generally be provided as soon as reasonably practicable after the crime has been reported to the Chief Administrative Officer, a determination has been made that the report is credible, and the determination has been made that the crime presents a serious or continuing threat to the campus community.  The exact timing of the notice will depend upon the nature of the threat.  Except for warnings about crimes that pose an immediate threat to the campus community, timely warnings will generally be issued in the daytime so as not to unduly alarm the campus.  The Chief Administrative Officer, in consultation with the University Communications Office, the University Police Department, the Office of General Counsel, and other University departments, as appropriate, will determine the timing of the notice.
    5. The Content of the Timely Warning. Timely warnings are designed to inform the campus community about threatening situations and to provide sufficient information to allow members of the community to protect themselves from harm.  Timely warnings will typically include, the date, time and nature of the offense, a brief description of the known circumstances, a physical description of the suspect(s), actions taken by Incheon Yeonsu Police if known, a request for witnesses to contact the Incheon Yeonsu Police and any appropriate crime prevention tips and safety advice.  Timely warnings will not identify the victim.  Timely warnings might exclude details of the offense that are not necessary to protect the campus community and could compromise the law enforcement investigation.
    6. Distribution of the Timely Warning. The Chief Administrative Office, in consultation with University Communications and other University departments will determine the appropriate method(s) for distributing a timely warning.  The methods will depend upon the nature of the threat to the campus community.  Timely warnings will be issued to all employees and students at the Utah Asia Campus.  Timely warnings can be delivered through various methods, including but not limited to, text, email, flier, and/or by website postings. 
  3. Fire Safety in Incheon Global Campus Student Housing Facilities

Students staying in the Incheon Global Campus student housing should follow the directions of the fire department personnel and the Incheon Global Campus Foundation in the circumstances of a fire.  As a general matter, when the fire alarm sounds at any campus facility, all residents, guests and staff are to evacuate to designated meeting points. Should there be an actual fire, UUAC Resident Advisors in student housing are instructed to take roll to account for residents and report the results to the local fire department. Residents should not reenter the building until they receive an all-clear from the responding emergency crews.

  1. UUAC Resident Advisors discuss with residents the need to evacuate when the fire alarm sounds. The Advisors cover when to evacuate (every time the alarm sounds), to where to evacuate (each building has a unique, designated meeting place), and with whom to check in (Resident Advisors).
  2. As stated in UUAC Policy 1-011, those residing in Incheon Global Campus Student Housing should become familiar with IGCF’s restrictions and guidance on fire safety.


  1. Policies, Rules, Guidelines, Forms, and other related resources
    1. UUAC Policy 1-011: Campus Security
  2. References
    1. Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f))